Sunday 25 November 2012

I Bleed Love For Leona Lewis

After waiting for like 5 years, i finally got to meet the Diva Leona Lewis. Loved her amazing voice (maybe coz it reminded me alot of Godriah LOL) since the X-Factor and have been waiting like ages for her to come & performing on the little red dot.

So about 2-3 weeks ago, Clash Of Continents (A Tennis event) announced that Leona would be making a special appearance during the Tennis competition. I was very excited but also very reluctant to pay 90$ to watch her sing like 1-2 songs... So i decided to stalk her instead LOL

So, i went to the airport to pick Leona up. She arrived about 5pm on the 24th of November at T1 :) Leona is so amazing, beautiful and down to earth. Her voice is just so gently n sweet, and that British accent of hers ZOMFG. She stopped about a good 5-7mins to sign/take pics/greets the fans, and even gave hugs to fans :)

My signed copy of Spirit (deluxe edition) & group picture with Leona :)

While at the airport, i met a Leona fan (Im so sorry i didn't get your name ><) who offered me a free ticket to watch Leona live. THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH !!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

I watched a Tennis match for about 1 hour before Leona performed. It was interesting watching it Live, the excitement from the crowd and the intense atmosphere !!! Definitely an interesting experience for me cause i barely watch any sports events. 

Managed to sneak through the barrier to the lower part of the arena (Closer to the stage) and got a side "front-row" view of the stage :)

Leona hit the stage abt 3.35pm in a beautiful pink dress :)

(Pardon my fail camera skills ><)

She sang 5 songs : Sugar, Come Alive, Grenade (cover), Better in time & Bleeding Love :)

I honestly thought she was just gonna perform like 1 or 2 songs LOL... So, after the concert i ran to the Singapore Indoor Stadium exit like i always do after a concert, so as to try to catch a glimpse of Leona leaving. There were about 10-15 other fans there too, so we waited awhile after about 10mins till this management staff came out and asked us if we were waiting for Leona. He then invited all of us backstage !!! The backstage is like fucking cool ZOMG, its like just like in the movies i swear OMFG.. i was like shaking at that moment.
The only backstage pic i took LOL

So when we were inside, the staff there got us to line up in rows of 2 and we waited about 15 mins before Leona came. Each pair got about 2-3mins of personal time with Leona in the interview room. So it was my turn, and i went inside and saw Leona chatting with her assistant. i was just stunned and i didn't know what to say LOL. I think i repeat "Ur so beautiful" like x10 HAHA. she just came to me and gave me a hug and immediately signed the "Echo" album in my hand without even me asking her too. Then she continued and said "Hey sweetheart, i know you.... you were at the airport weren't you, Bryan?" She still remembered me LMAO even thou she got 1 letter of my name wrong. She then apologized in the most sweet way ever (OMFG i just can't at how adorable she is). We then talked about her stay in Singapore. Leona said she really enjoyed it and will come back "SOON", yup SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoN LOL. I went on and asked her about Mariah Carey, she told me she loved Mariah alot & that MC was one of her biggest inspirations in life <3 AHHHHH... After that we took a picture together :) Her bodyguard then handed me a Autographed "Clash of Continents" mini poster with Leona's face on it!!! She hugged me one last time and we said our goodbyes <3

Thank you Leona for making this such a memorable week !! Definitely worth the 5 years of wait!! Cant wait for you to come back for a full fledged concert and slay us all with that impeccable voice of yours !!! Miss & Love ya so much XOXO!! 

Now back to reality, there's Stats & Micro Econs ICA this week and i haven't even started on Stats and Micro... i don't even know what to say tbh Zzzz... Just gotta study for the next 3-4 days and pray for da best i guess !! Well meeting Leona definitely motivated me to do well in my coming test :) !! So thank you again Leona HEHEHE ~ 

Till next time everyone :)

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Echoes of Distance

"Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they ever cared about you, they'll notice. If they don't, you'll know where you stand." - Madness

Keeping your distance between people you care about is sometimes really helpful in certain situations. I learnt to let go of things i cherish & care about even though it may hurt tremenduously, but if you really care and want the best for someone, u must learn to distance yourself & just let go in order to make them happy. 

Now moving on to a more bitchy side (Pardon my "expressive language" ><)

I'm fucking sick & tired of people judging and criticizing me for being myself. If you were truly my friend you would learn to accept me for who i am and not try to "change" me. Fucking CB if i wanna change i would have changed long time ago already ok fucker. And i also do not appreciate people judging & bitching about my friends to me. May i remind you that you are NOT god, u're not perfect, so may i advice you to stfu!! I think distancing myself from you was probably the best thing i did for myself. I don't need a negative figure like you bringing me down every chance you get. 

Distance was probably my best friend for the last week. Distance in terms of both location & people, made me discover & learn many things. Till next time, xo

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Stay Triumphant, Keep On Living

I would like to start off by saying......... QUEEN GODRIAH FUCKING CAREY IS GONNA BE PERFORMING IN AUSTRALIA ON THE 1st OF JANUARY !!! (which also happens to be my fucking birthday !!!!!) Begging n praying that i can save enough money to catch Mariah again cause she barely comes to Asia/Oceania region anymore + with 2 children to raise right now .......... Anyway she's gonna be performing an exclusive set in Gold Coast and its gonna be her first time in 15 years performing in Aussie (And i heard there's M&G tixs ZOMG) !! Damn exciting !!!!! I managed to catch her in Singapore in 2010, but i really really wanna catch her again !! 

So apart from that amazing piece of news, this week has been fairly good to me, Except for the fact that i lost my wallet =.=. But i just gotta stay positive right now!! Its been a typical school week i guess, just with tons of tutorials, assignments, projects & ICA's. Hell week is approaching haiiss.. Also, attended the Greyson Chance autograph session last saturday with my sister, it was alright, something to take my mind off stressful stuff :)

Also made an impromptu  "Little Things" by 1 direction cover for Fathin :) Dedicated to all the beautiful girls out there :) It issnt very good tho LOL 
Little thing cover (snippet) by RyanEdgeOfGlory


I am so fuckin waiting for my holidays to come !!! RAWRRRRR !!! So i guess i should be getting back to my fuck load of projects/assignments right now. A legendary song (My fav song of all time too) to end you guys off ~ Till next time :)

Thursday 8 November 2012

Rejoice, Regrets, Relive

So this week was filled with many mixed emotions. Firstly....


Okay so ya'll might have heard by now that Mr Barack Obama was re-elected as President Of The United States for another 4 years !! You have no idea how relieved and ecstatic i am :) Another 4 years of peace & equality for all, FUCK YES !! So yea, CONGRATZ OBAMA & GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! Oh and lets be honest, Mitt Romney would have destroyed America if he had been elected. End of story.

Found this on twitter, it just makes me LMAO all day long HAHAHA

Im also extremely blessed and so so thankful to have amazing & awesome classmates who always make me cheerful and happy whenever I'm in their presence. Especially my dearest Roszanah, who is probably sick & tired of my nagging n bitching n whining to her all day long. But thank you for always being there when i need someone, Love ya bitch <3 

Lubbs ur new sexy slut hair btw :P HAHA

Also celebrated Elaine's 17th birthday this week :).  I'm glad to have met and known her in my life. Hope u enjoyed the cake (WAHAHAHA) Love ya always honey <3 

Werk that cake black elsie ~


I think i've probably had one of the worst mood swings ever this week.  Just so stressed and pissed by almost everything that it drove me insane ...  Kinda exploded at loads of people and i would like to sincerely apologize to everyone whom i was bitchy too ><. ( ya guys know i don't mean it right :( ) I know im like the worst PMS/Bipolar/fucked up/dickhead guy ever, but sometimes i swear really can't control it and i go mental..

And i was a fucking douche to someone i really cared deeply about. And it just crushes me inside that i hurt that person....

And so when I'm depressed i....

Yaaaa... i kinda like ate a fuck load of ice cream when i was PMS-ing ( like an amount that could seriously feed a fucking pig FARM) ... Just kill me now =.=

**And when i say PMS, i don't mean the bleeding from the vag part, just the mood swings


So im gonna be shifting to Sembawang in about 1.5 weeks. Im gonna miss Serangoon so fucking much :( i grew up loving this beautiful town for 16 years and feel like im leaving all the people i love to be in a completely foreign area.. But, Singapore is so fuckin small so i can probably come back anytime. I don't even know why I'm getting so emotional over this... LOL

Anyway, I'm 'kinda' excited to move, coz firstly, i got to design my own room and also...

My room has a view of the sea ()@*#)#! (i swear i just fucking love the sitting by the beaching looking at fucking stars) which is like just perfect for 'emoting' HAHA ^^. However, something i really dislike about my new home is that its quite deep in, so there's only 1 fuckin bus out -.- and I'm probably gonna be late for school everyday lol.

Re end

So I'm like down with a slight fever right now, and i still have school at 8am tmr (just wtf)... And all the projects, ICA's & assignments are starting to pile up FML, but thank god tmr is Friday tho. 

So i shall end you guys off with a newly released video :) Learn how to link youtube videos using the HTML thingy that my int web tutor taught me HEHE. I do listen in class one okay !!! LOL

Let's make the most of the night, like we're gonna Die Young

Till next time, Bye :) xo

Sunday 4 November 2012


" I don't like the feeling of being in love. i turn into this needy/possessive/clingy person. Okay that may be the worst case scenario, but nevertheless, I don't like it. Whenever the person is not around, I don't want to think about he might be doing, I don't want to think that he might be with someone else, i don't want to feel the need to see him, I don't want to feel down when he doesn't text or reply my text, I don't want to miss him, Its just an awful feeling for me. "

Quoted from my lovely classmate Rachel Teo.

My top two songs this week... Totally obsessed with both of them. So anyways, hope you guys had a good weekend. May we all survive the coming weeks. Till next time ~

Friday 2 November 2012

Fathin Bte Dahlan

So this entire post is dedicated one of my best friends in life, Fathin A.K.A Shortest bitch with a maid hairstyle that you'll ever find. As well as a couple of my secondary friends. So.. I met Fathin in 2010 when i was promoted to Class 3E3 and sat next to her during my first day of school. Honestly, I wasnt really happy as she just seemed like the type of typical "Bitch' who will cry/complain/bitch to teachers about basically everything. I tried to socialize with her at first and she seemed pretty friendly, then after awhile she got all weird & bitchy ..... and i mistook her for a pinoy, and u cant blame me (I mean who the fuck puts their name FATHIN GOMEZ LOVATO ><). So the first few weeks of school, we hated each other like ALOT.. i think she even asked my frog if she could change seats LMAO. Okay i do admit im can be really annoying at times, but she was totally acting like a p3 girl LOL.
Dont cha think she looks pinoy. And i know she looks *kinda* cute here, but people, dont judge a book by its cover LALALALA LOL

So after a few months, we got to know each other better and we eventually started talking more & more and became good friends after awhile. We sang along to retarded songs, laughed at teachers, made fun of Claire Lim Chin Pei (Fathin best friend xoxo) countless times etc... And Chinpei i love & miss u too even tho our "flowers may have withered" < i know thats ur favourite quote of all time babe xo !
So thats Fat & Boob (Nice middle finger :P) hanging out in my room for movie night :)

So yea, we've had great memories together, like for example we caught GODRIAH FUCKING CAREY, MAROON 5, The Script, J........ B...... Yea........ etc !! We are both major music/concert lovers and having shared the experience with her is awesome :) & she has made me learned n discover so much about music that i diddnt know in the past !!

Meeting the Script !! Sorry i know imma flop @ taking pics >< (and thats daddy's  Danny's head behind ^^)

Also, Countless number of outings, laughing during movies like its our father's cinema (esp during twilight HAHA) Oh & Raya @ her house is like DAYUM! Her mum/maid are fucking awesome cooks & she herself makes fucking amazing cupcakes too :D And so in 2011 we took our Olvls and Graduated from SGSS :")

Raya @ Fat's Haus

Graduation!! :) With Fat & CHUAAA :D (I have no fuckin idea why i was doing that hand thingy ><)

The beautiful graduation letter Fat gave me :") !! 

So we kinda have many differences too, like for example... She watches soccer (Oh dear god don't even get me started LOL) and she supports LIVERPOOL - (I don't know whether to cry or laugh LMAO). She also doesn't get Gaga's music (HOW IS THE HUMANLY POSSIBLE MY DEAR!!) & She goes crazy over flop artist & bands like .................. 

If u guess JB, u were right :) She's like Majah belieber.... Yup.... LOL

Sooo 2011 was rather a boring year.. I mean Olvl's.. FML mode on =.= ... Fat had a new seating buddy, TAY SONG NIAN (OMG THIS NIGGA IS JUST TOO FUNNY ALREADY) and i was seating nearby her. SN + FAT = recipe for epic laughter !!!! I swear Song Nian is probably the only guy who laughs at Fathin's extremely "FUNNY" jokes !! And while me & fat are like singing, Song nian is like totally clueless about every fucking song/artist #FACEPALM TTM !!! And the moment when w started sang Rolling in the deep, and he turned around and said 'issnt that the fat woman, Adele' We were like utterly stunned for a minute and couldn't stop laughing for the whole day LOL

Fathin & "CAPTAIN" Song!! 

So now its 2012, and we're in different schools... (I did shed a few tears when i heard that, feel honored ok bitch LOL) Well, even tho we're in different school, we still keep in contact n meet often :) I will never forget how much this small girl had changed my life forever and how much i truly love her <3 You have no idea how much i value our friendship. I may not show it actively, but just know u mean the world to me. (But its kinda a small world so HEHEHE) "U are the shining light in my dark tunnel" < ROFL !! My apologies for the messy post + countless grammar/spelling errors everywhere ><. So i shall end this post with Fathin's (She should really be called SHORThin tho) Favorite thing to say .......

Aww now i agree ur cute :P

Till next time, Bye :)